Gender in culture

The publication covers the relevance of gender in the cultural policy area, stating that gender aspects are relevant both in relation to the broad definition of culture as a ‘social construction’ and to the way in which cultural policy is designed and implemented.

Gender, culture and rights intersect in intricate and complex ways. First of all, cultural rights, are human rights, and as such are the rights of both women and men. On the other hand, human rights are a precondition for enriching cultural diversity and enabling human creativity. Second, gender is intrinsically linked to culture. The socially constructed roles of women and men are culturally determined, and differ in time and place. In addition, traditional and social media play a relevant role in shaping gender roles within societies. With regard to cultural policy specifically, this may contribute to gender inequalities and discrimination in the production of cultural content. Third, patterns in culture consumption and participation differ considerably between women and men, for example in watching sports, reading a book, and going to the theatre. Furthermore, the reasons for not participating in cultural activities are also significantly different for women and men.

The publication, prepared under the gender mainstreaming programme of the European Institute for Gender Equality, investigates several gender gaps hampering women’s equal participation in the cultural field. The work represents a joint effort of the EIGE Gender Mainstreaming Team and various experts and contractors who contributed to varying degrees.

Inclusion & Accessibility
European Institute for Gender Equality
Gender, Fundamental Rights, Culture, Accessibility, Cultural Policy
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