Forskrifter angående bruks av Rikets segl og Riksvåpenet

This legislation outlines guidelines for the use of Rikets Segl and Riksvapenet in Norway. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure the correct and appropriate use of the national symbols in the country. The document, created by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published on their website, contains five key regulations for the usage of Rikets Segl and Riksvapenet.

Firstly, the document specifies that the symbols can only be used for decoration, ornamentation, or similar purposes and not for malicious intent. Secondly, the Department responsible must ensure that the representation of the symbols is accurate and free from misuse. The use of Riksvapenet is reserved solely for the government and cannot be used by the public without prior permission. Additionally, uniform types of Riksvapenet should be used by those who hold similar government positions. Lastly, the legislation states that the document is valid from 15th June 1927.

This regulation has significant implications for heritage preservation in Norway since it outlines guidelines for the use of the country’s most important national symbols. It ensures that the symbols are not misused for personal gain, which could damage the reputation of the government and its institutions. As a result, the document acts as a safeguard for Norway’s heritage and symbolises the importance of preserving national heritage and history. The legislation also emphasises the government’s responsibility to protect national symbols from unauthorised use to prevent the public from manipulating the symbols to achieve unlawful ends. By doing so, the document promotes the importance of maintaining ethical standards in heritage protection.

Heritage Preservation
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
coat of arms, Symbols, National, Guideline, National Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, History
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