Festa do Mosaico – da tessela ao pixel, uma abordagem educativa ao Património cultural

The paper discusses the Mosaic Editor and Sharing Platform, an interactive tool developed as part of a Master’s thesis in Software Engineering at the University of Coimbra. This platform serves as a digital resource for creating and sharing mosaics, catering to individuals without specific artistic training. It offers different modes of use, including PC, tablet, and kiosk, to accommodate various educational and workshop settings. The platform aims to enhance cultural mediation, education, and citizen participation creatively and innovatively within the context of the Mosaic Festival project.

Furthermore, the Mosaic Festival, organized by MosaicoLab.Pt, focuses on celebrating the cultural, aesthetic, and artistic heritage of mosaics. It aims to engage diverse audiences of all ages, both in-person and remotely, through its digital component. The festival’s digital aspect is continuously evolving to deepen the utilization of existing solutions and develop new digital tools to integrate into project activities. Collaboration with university researchers plays a crucial role in this development, ensuring the success and innovation of the project in cultural mediation, education, and citizen participation.

Overall, the Mosaic Editor and Sharing Platform, along with the Mosaic Festival, highlight the importance of digital tools in promoting cultural heritage, creativity, and community engagement. By providing accessible and interactive resources, these initiatives contribute to the exploration and appreciation of mosaics, fostering educational opportunities and creative expression for a wide range of audiences.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Humberto Figueiredo, Jorge C. S. Cardoso
Portugal, Portugal
Cultural Heritage, Digital Storytelling, Digital Tools, Co-creation, Tiles
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