Fast Forward Heritage

This document outlines principles and actions aimed at establishing a forward-looking legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH). It provides strategic guidance for future European policies and programmes to ensure a dynamic approach to culture and cultural heritage.

The EYCH facilitated rich exchanges among cultural heritage experts and European and national institutions, fostering improved inter-institutional and cross-sectoral collaborations. It also facilitated a deeper understanding of the points of convergence between actors active in the cultural heritage field, thereby delineating the scope for joint European action. The recommendations in the “Future for Heritage” statement build upon these key learnings.

Among these recommendations, the document emphasises the importance of situating cultural spaces within a broader European and global context, particularly within educational institutions. It proposes funding mechanisms designed to ensure diversity and innovation by supporting a variety of organisations. Furthermore, it addresses the significance of equitable digitisation of cultural heritage, community engagement in heritage preservation and urban development, and the establishment of governance structures to ensure inclusivity and coordination within the European cultural heritage sector.

Overall, this statement offers a comprehensive overview of the European Year of Cultural Heritage’s legacy and proposes actions to propel Europe into the future. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in the cultural heritage field, underscoring the necessity of adopting a holistic and forward-thinking approach to preserve and promote Europe’s diverse cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Culture Action Europe
European Year of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Digital Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Forum, Digitisation, Digital Heritage, Education, Diversity, European Values, European Cultural Heritage, Future Generations, Community-based Cultural Heritage Management, Heritage Preservation, community involvement, Digital Transition, Policy, Policies
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