exécution du décret du 21 novembre 2013 relatif aux centres culturels

This legislation outlines the procedures and criteria for the recognition and operation of cultural centres, emphasising the importance of specialised cultural actions and intensified cultural activities. It delves into the requirements for recognition, including the submission of detailed project descriptions and engagement with local communities. The document highlights the need for a strategic approach to cultural initiatives, focusing on specific objectives, methodologies, and target audiences.

Furthermore, the legislation addresses the role of public authorities in supporting cultural endeavours, emphasising the significance of financial contributions and the allocation of subsidies based on the population served by cultural projects. It also underscores the administrative processes involved in the recognition of cultural centres, detailing the steps for application, review, and decision-making by relevant authorities.

Moreover, the legislation emphasises the collaborative nature of cultural initiatives, requiring centres to engage with neighbouring communities and conduct shared territorial analyses. It also stresses the importance of transparency and accountability in cultural centre operations, mandating the provision of documentation and reports to supervisory bodies for review and assessment.

Overall, this legislation aims to promote the development of vibrant cultural landscapes by setting standards for recognition, funding, and program quality in cultural centres. It seeks to enhance the cultural richness of communities by encouraging strategic planning, community engagement, and effective utilisation of resources to preserve and promote heritage and cultural diversity.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
cultural diversity, Diversity, Cultural projects, Cultural Activity, Cultural Heritage, Cultural significance, Cultural centres, Community engagement, community involvement, Community Participation, Financial help, Financial Instruments, Fund, Funding, Public access, Accessibility
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