Eurocities Lille Call to Action for low carbon and more inclusive culture

This resource focuses on the role of cities in addressing climate change and making societies more inclusive, specifically on the role of arts, culture, and heritage in addressing this challenge.

The call highlights the significance of arts and culture as expressions of European identity and as powerful tools for positive change in the areas of climate change and social inclusion. It underscores the role of cities in mitigating global warming, adapting to climate change, and promoting inclusive societies, highlighting the wealth of expertise and experience held by cities in addressing these challenges.

It outlines two pillars, which both have corresponding priorities for developing sustainable and inclusive cultural policies. The call addresses subjects such as improving the energy efficiency of cultural buildings, assessing the environmental footprint of cultural events, ensuring gender parity in local cultural policies and increasing citizen participation in the development and implementation of cultural policies.

The Eurocities Lille Call to Action is a commitment that is signed by city leaders, and by signing they commit to implementing at least one priority from each of the two pillars of the call, working with other major European cities to improve policies and practices, developing collaborative projects with one another, and sharing their local practices developed to implement to priorities of the call.

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Green Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility
Eurocities, Ville de Lille
Sustainability, Inclusion, Social Inclusion, Gender Parity, Gender, Diversity, Health, Wellbeing, Accessibility, Biodiversity, Sustainable Culture, Training, Digital Technology, Cities, City, Energy Efficiency, Buildings, Cultural and Creative Sectors, Mobility, Carbon Emissions, Urban Areas, Public Procurement, Carbon Footprint
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