EU Action Plan against Trafficking in Cultural Goods

This report provides a comprehensive action plan for the European Union and its Member States to prevent, detect and respond to the trafficking of cultural goods and related crimes. The illicit trade in cultural artifacts fuels illegal activities that pose a threat to the safety of EU citizens and cause irrevocable damage to our common identity. The report outlines key actions to fight this criminal insecurity, ranging from youth engagement initiatives to strengthening effective cooperation among customs authorities.

One of the report’s key objectives is to facilitate the exchange of information between heritage professionals and relevant authorities to increase awareness of and improve measures against cultural goods trafficking. The Commission also plans to support the involvement of young people in promoting the protection of our cultural heritage with initiatives like Creative Europe and the Erasmus+ program.

Importantly, the action plan seeks to establish a regulatory framework that improves traceability of cultural goods within the single market, including online sales. This will be achieved in part by helping Member States establish sales registers, and the Commission will subsequently issue guidance based on a 2024 study. More broadly, the report underscores the importance of sustained efforts from many stakeholders, including relevant youth organizations, in addressing the problem of cultural goods trafficking.

With a focus on the prevention, detection, and criminal justice response to criminal insecurity, this report offers a multi-pronged approach to preserving our cultural heritage. The plan’s comprehensive framework provides a roadmap for protecting cultural assets from destruction, theft, and looting, and will require ongoing work and support from all stakeholders, including EU Member States and the European Parliament. By endorsing this action plan, the EU can help advance a culture of protection and preservation that safeguards Europe’s common identity and heritage for generations to come.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
European Commission
Cultural Goods, Illicit Trafficking, Action Plan, Single Market, Criminal Responsibility, Art Market, Heritage Protection
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