Estudo Perfis sociais e práticas profissionais dos membros do ICOM Portugal: uma apresentação inicial

This article presents an initial overview of a study conducted on the social profiles and professional practices of members of ICOM Portugal. The study aims to provide insights into the diverse activities, careers, qualifications, and professional affiliations of museum professionals, shedding light on their roles and contributions within the national and international contexts.

Additionally, it seeks to address relevant issues such as the characterisation of social profiles, the existing professional framework, and the emergence of new professional competencies in the digital era.

The study is a collaborative effort between ICOM Portugal and the Observatório Português das Atividades Culturais (OPAC), with the intention of informing the future actions of ICOM Portugal and contributing to a broader understanding of cultural employment in Portugal. The article outlines the methodology and dimensions of the study, including the analysis of associative activities, professional practices, and social profiles of the members. It emphasises the importance of participation from all members in responding to the forthcoming questionnaire, highlighting the significance of their input in shaping the future direction of ICOM Portugal.

In summary, the article provides an insightful introduction to the study, emphasising the relevance of understanding the social and professional dynamics of ICOM Portugal’s members. It underscores the collaborative approach and the potential impact of the study in informing the organisation’s future initiatives and contributing to the broader knowledge of cultural employment in Portugal.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
José Soares Neves, Jorge Santos
Museums, Professionals, Practice, Policies
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