Estudo de Públicos: O consumo cultural e artístico na região de Lisboa

The document is a study conducted by Return on Ideas over the course of 10 months, in collaboration with Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém, and focuses on cultural and artistic consumption in the Lisbon region. It delves into the dynamics of consumer behaviour when attending events such as cinema and museum visits. The study highlights that consumers are motivated by intellectual, emotional, and social experiences during cultural engagements. It emphasises the competition cultural activities face from other leisure pursuits like socialising, sports, and outdoor activities, shedding light on the complexities of consumer choices in the cultural realm.

Furthermore, the study explores the relationship individuals have with culture and art, analysing how factors like age, education, and social influences impact this connection. It delves into preferences for cultural venues, reasons for attending events, and the current demographic and work models prevalent in the region. The study aims to provide insights that can potentially enhance cultural and artistic consumption in Portugal by understanding the intricacies of consumer behaviour and preferences.

The conclusions and recommendations of this strategic analysis will define some of the CCB’s lines of action in the coming years. In a continuous process of active and informed listening, the process of building a global offer that reinforces the positioning of the Belém Cultural Centre as a City Open to all citizens becomes more complete. However, the study will also serve as a valuable tool for other cultural organisations and individuals interested in enhancing cultural participation and promoting a deeper engagement with arts and culture in society.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Return on Ideas
Portugal, Portugal
Public Engagement, Participation, Accessibility, Culture
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