Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais -Públicos do Museu Nacional dos Coches

This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism. This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the duration of the observation (12 months).

This particular report presents a detailed analysis of visitor feedback at the Museu Nacional dos Coches, focusing on aspects such as signage, translation services, and support materials. Visitors from various nationalities and professional backgrounds provided valuable insights, emphasising the need for improved communication and exhibition strategies.

The report reveals a high percentage of foreign visitors, particularly professionals in intellectual and scientific fields, indicating the museum’s appeal to a diverse audience. The feedback from visitors highlighted the importance of multilingual support materials and more informative texts to improve the visitor experience. The analysis also delves into visitor satisfaction levels, with both Portuguese and foreign visitors expressing similar levels of recommendation for the museum. Additionally, the study explored the likelihood of visitors returning within the next 12 months and the factors influencing their return.

Overall, the report underscores the significance of continuous improvement in museum facilities and exhibits to meet the evolving expectations of visitors. The document provides valuable insights into visitor perceptions and preferences, offering valuable guidance for enhancing the museum’s offerings and ensuring a positive visitor experience.

Heritage Preservation
Direção-Geral do Património Cultural, Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES-IUL)
National, Museums, Accessibility, Survey, Policies, Visitors
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