Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais – Públicos do Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea – Museu do Chiado

This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism.

This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the duration of the observation (12 months). The methodology included analysing visitor statistics, demographics, activities, and conducting public surveys.

This particular document pertains to a questionnaire survey conducted over a 12-month period at the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea Museu do Chiado (MNAC-MC). The survey aimed to profile the museum’s visitors, revealing a predominantly foreign audience with high educational and cultural levels, including museum visits. The study also delves into visitor motivations, evaluations of the museum, and the visibility of institutions under the DGPC’s supervision.

The survey involved 1,142 valid questionnaires, with 47% Portuguese and 53% foreigners. Results show that a significant portion of visitors rated their experience above or below expectations, with differences between national and foreign visitors’ perceptions. The intention to revisit the museum within the next 12 months was expressed by 48% of respondents.

Overall, visitor evaluations of the museum’s facilities, services, and activities were positive, particularly among national visitors and the study emphasises the importance of the museum’s interaction with its audience.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES-IUL), Direção-Geral do Património Cultural
National, Museums, Accessibility, Survey, Policies, Visitors
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