Estratégia Nacional do Saber Fazer Português 2019-2024

The National Strategy for Portuguese Know-How is a government initiative aimed at safeguarding and promoting traditional craftsmanship in Portugal. This strategy is a collaborative effort between the cultural, economic, and labor sectors, focusing on sustainable development and the preservation of unique cultural heritage. It addresses contemporary challenges while emphasising the importance of traditional crafts in the modern economy.

The strategy is built upon four fundamental pillars: preservation, education, capacity building, and promotion. Preservation involves maintaining and protecting traditional crafts and techniques, ensuring they are passed down through generations. Education focuses on raising awareness and knowledge about these crafts, fostering appreciation among the public and encouraging new artisans to engage in these practices. Capacity building aims to empower artisans and production units through targeted support, strategic consulting, and technical research, enhancing product quality, services, and market access.

Promotion is a critical aspect of the strategy, which seeks to elevate the status of artisanal products both nationally and internationally. This includes developing thematic exhibitions and publications to increase recognition of Portuguese craftsmanship, encouraging informed consumption, and repositioning these products in the market. The strategy also integrates arts and crafts into Portugal’s international communication efforts, creating new narratives around the country’s cultural heritage through initiatives like “Routes of Know-How” and creative tourism proposals.

Overall, the National Strategy for Portuguese Know-How aims to position traditional craftsmanship as a dynamic, innovative, and sustainable sector, ensuring its relevance in contemporary society while celebrating and preserving the rich cultural legacy of Portugal.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Government of Portugal
Strategy, Intangible Heritage, Traditional Crafts, Craftsmanship, Knowledge Dissemination
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