Enrichments policy for the common European data space for cultural heritage

This policy supports the conception and development of purposeful enrichment efforts that contribute to the objectives of the common European data space for cultural heritage.

Enrichments are data about a cultural heritage object (i.e. metadata) or of the object itself (i.e. its content) that augment, contextualise or rectify the authoritative data made available by cultural heritage institutions. Enrichments of metadata aim to improve it by adding new, or refining or rectifying information about the object, while content enrichments aim to produce alternative representations in various media types of the object.

The policy establishes a vision and a set of principles that guide enrichment efforts in a consistent way across projects, organisations and activities in the ecosystem in and around the common European data space for cultural heritage. It has been developed collaboratively by consulting and bringing in the views, priorities and concerns of stakeholders, namely data partners, technical partners, the Europeana Foundation, users of the data space, the European Commission, European Union member states. These stakeholders have participated in the definition of this policy through a general stakeholder consultation, followed by targeted consultation through the Data Governance Stakeholder Working Group.

Digital Transition
Europeana Initiative
Data, Data enrichment, Data space, Digital Transformation
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