El Programa de Formación en Conservación de Patrimonio Fotográfico: esfuerzos y colaboración en América Latina

The text discusses a course on preventive conservation and damage identification methodology at the Museu de Arte Sacra da Universidade Federal da Bahia. The course curriculum includes theoretical and practical classes focusing on the manipulation of measurement instruments, data collection, and technical visits to relevant buildings to illustrate procedures. Students are trained to analyse and create architectural designs through exercises centred on multi-family housing projects. The program emphasises the requalification and rehabilitation of constructed spaces in Salvador, particularly historic buildings, aiming to address architectural challenges and residential needs.

Furthermore, the course covers topics such as the impact of environmental factors on buildings, contextual influences, and specific effects of the surroundings. Practical activities involve using various analog measurement instruments to understand climate elements and their representation. Immediate corrections in natural lighting were implemented to reduce artificial lighting usage and enhance exhibition spaces’ natural illumination.

The educational material includes translations of technical notes into Spanish and English, reflecting a diverse international collaboration. The course material also addresses preventive conservation methods for buildings and collections, emphasising the importance of understanding construction strategies for both existing and new projects. Practical field trips to urban areas and historically significant buildings allow students to assess conservation conditions and create detailed mappings.

Overall, the course aims to instil a culture of conservation and sustainable practices in architectural interventions, fostering a comprehensive understanding of preservation strategies. Plans for a sustainable conservation education program in Latin America are underway, building on the course’s success and international partnerships.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Fernando Osorio Alarcón, Daniel Sosa
Conservation, Photography, Capacity Building, Public Policy, Brazil, Education and Training
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