El papel de las asociaciones en la conservación del patrimonio cultural

The webinar illuminates the crucial role of associations in conserving cultural heritage within rural areas, with particular emphasis on ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). As an international organisation dedicated to preserving cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, ICOMOS is instrumental in promoting conservation efforts globally. Comprising professionals in monumental restoration, ICOMOS operates throughout Spain, aiming to cultivate knowledge, foster reflection, and disseminate disciplines pertinent to monumental restoration.

Mikel Landa, president of the ICOMOS Advisory Council, spearheaded the webinar, providing insights into the objectives, structure, and activities of this volunteer-based organisation. Through various examples, Landa underscored the diversity of associations based on their founding objectives, geographical reach, member composition, and financial resources.

At the core of the discussion was the recognition of associations’ primary task: influencing society to achieve their objectives through a multifaceted approach. Strategies encompass denunciation, recognition, participation, opinion formation, advice, doctrine development, learning, research, dissemination, exchange, and education.
By highlighting the multifaceted role of associations, the webinar underscores their vital contribution to conserving cultural heritage in rural areas. Through collaboration, advocacy, and strategic initiatives, associations like ICOMOS play a pivotal role in safeguarding our collective heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España
Restoration, Public Engagement, Heritage Preservation
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