El paisaje como vector estratégico para la gestión integral del patrimonio. Una observación desde el marco español

In contemporary discourse, the landscape has emerged as a central focal point in efforts to integrate cultural heritage into policies concerning territorial management. This paradigm shift presents unprecedented opportunities for implementing integrated practices in management, planning, and coordination, aimed at fostering a harmonious relationship between heritage preservation and territorial sustainability. This paper delves into the potential synergy between landscape and heritage, focusing on the statutory recognition of landscape within the Spanish context, with a specific emphasis on the case of Andalucía.

The study primarily explores the extent to which the landscape has been integrated into the development of a territorial framework conducive to its comprehensive enhancement. Key areas of examination include territorial planning and regulations concerning heritage preservation. Through an in-depth analysis, the paper seeks to elucidate how landscape considerations are incorporated into existing regulatory frameworks and management practices, particularly within Andalucía.

Insights gleaned from this analysis underscore the pivotal role of the landscape as a driving force in shaping heritage protection systems guided by integrated management approaches. The study highlights the importance of establishing clear criteria for the inclusion of landscape within heritage regulations, thereby ensuring its effective conservation and sustainable management within territorial planning processes.

By shedding light on the interplay between landscape and heritage within the Spanish context, the paper contributes to broader discussions surrounding the integration of cultural heritage into territorial management policies. It underscores the significance of adopting holistic approaches that recognize the intrinsic connection between landscape, heritage, and sustainable development, thereby fostering a more cohesive and inclusive framework for heritage preservation and territorial planning.

Green Transition
Marina López Sánchez, Antonio Tejedor Cabrera, Mercedes Linares Gómez del Pulgar
Sustainability, Regional Development, Territorial Development, Green Transition, Landscape
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