El impacto del turismo en el patrimonio cultural inmaterial espacios sociales y rituales

This text endeavors to explore the intricate relationship between tourism and the evolution of intangible cultural heritage, shedding light on the transformations that occur when these cultural expressions are harnessed as tourist attractions. It initiates by providing a comprehensive understanding of the concept of intangible cultural heritage and its formal institutionalization on the international stage, underscoring the pivotal role played by UNESCO in this process. This initial exploration sets the stage for an in-depth examination of how the recognition of intangible heritage at the global level influences the regulatory landscape governing cultural heritage within Spain.

Subsequently, the discourse extends to elucidate the interplay between intangible heritage and tourism, delving into the multifaceted effects that tourism exerts on these cultural manifestations. On one hand, tourism presents promising opportunities for the promotion and dissemination of intangible heritage, providing platforms for cultural exchange and appreciation. However, on the other hand, it introduces inherent risks that threaten the authenticity and integrity of these cultural expressions. The commodification of intangible heritage for tourist consumption may lead to its distortion, simplification, or even appropriation, thereby diluting its intrinsic cultural value.

By probing into the complexities of this relationship, the text aims to foster a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by tourism in the context of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. It underscores the importance of striking a delicate balance between leveraging tourism as a tool for heritage promotion while safeguarding the authenticity and integrity of these cultural expressions for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga
Spain, Spain
Cultural Tourism, Damage Assessment, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Social Spaces, Rituals, Impact Assessment, Heritage Preservation
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