Edital n.º 975/2021, de 27 de agosto: Regulamento Municipal de Atribuição da Distinção «Lugares com História»

The regulation presented in this document outlines the rules for the application and awarding of the distinction “Lugares com História” (Places with History) by the Guimarães Municipal Council. It aims to recognize establishments and entities of historical, cultural, or local social interest that stand out for their unique characteristics. The criteria for evaluation include factors such as geographical continuity, originality of activities, and contribution to the local community’s identity. The regulation empowers the Municipal Council to resolve any doubts or omissions that may arise.

Furthermore, the regulation emphasises the importance of preserving and promoting historical elements within the community, encouraging the safeguarding and dissemination of cultural heritage. It also highlights the benefits and incentives available to recognized entities, such as protection under urban lease laws, access to municipal or national support programs, and tax exemptions granted by municipalities. Additionally, the regulation promotes the development of visitation routes and special events to showcase these historical places, fostering a sense of pride and identity among residents and visitors.

Overall, the regulation serves as a framework for the protection and promotion of local historical and cultural heritage, aiming to enhance the visibility and appreciation of these significant establishments. By establishing clear criteria for evaluation and providing support mechanisms, it seeks to ensure the continued preservation and celebration of the unique heritage that contributes to the richness of the community.

Heritage Preservation
Municipality of Guimarães
Portugal, Portugal
Traditional Buildings, Historical Buildings, Regulation, Heritage Protection
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