Dog Policy at Historic Scotland Properties

Exploring the regulations governing dog policies at Historic Scotland properties, this legislation outlines the guidelines and restrictions concerning visitors’ canine companions.

The document details the permissibility of dogs at various sites, emphasising the importance of responsible ownership and adherence to specific rules to maintain the heritage integrity of these locations. Visitors are informed that dogs are generally welcome at Historic Scotland properties, with the requirement that they remain on a lead and under supervision at all times.

Additionally, a strict no-fouling rule is in place, necessitating owners to clean up after their pets to ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors, particularly children. The document specifies that dogs are not allowed in roofed buildings, except for specific exemptions, and highlights the significance of complying with these regulations to preserve the historical significance of the sites.

Furthermore, the legislation addresses the presence of assistance dogs, which are permitted in all areas of the properties, including visitor centres and food establishments. It also identifies specific sites where dogs are prohibited due to reasons such as the volume of visitors, access restrictions, and safety concerns.

By delineating these guidelines, the legislation aims to strike a balance between accommodating dog owners and safeguarding the heritage value of Historic Scotland properties, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between visitors and their canine companions.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Historic Environment Scotland
United Kingdom
Dogs, Dog, parks and gardens, Sites, Heritage Sites
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