Direitos e Deveres do Património Cultural Português: um outro contributo

In the context of the “Charter of rights and duties of Portuguese historical and cultural heritage” published promoted by PP-Cult (Platform for Cultural Heritage) on 5 April 2020, the Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal (ARP) shares a reflection on the subject, which aims to further contribute to the preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage.

The document emphasises the critical need for clear measures to safeguard Portuguese cultural heritage. It calls for the establishment of guidelines for the protection, use, and benefit of cultural heritage, involving both public and private entities responsible for its management.

The text stresses the importance of creating a structured political strategy that includes professional associations, NGOs, and local communities to enhance the preservation of cultural heritage. It advocates for the development of a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses various risks and threats facing Portuguese cultural heritage, such as the impact of tourism, gentrification, and urban rehabilitation.

Furthermore, the statement highlights the necessity of defining and legally accrediting professions related to heritage, integrating diverse technical expertise into public heritage management, and implementing effective maintenance and conservation plans. It underscores the role of civil society in identifying and addressing deficiencies in current heritage preservation efforts, emphasising the need for increased societal involvement in decision-making processes.

The text also discusses the importance of financial sustainability, fiscal frameworks, and mechanisms for funding heritage conservation. It stresses the significance of proactive and participatory approaches in cultural heritage preservation, considering the evolving debates at the European level that are likely to influence future policies.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, Cultural Heritage, Rights
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