Digitalisierung und nachhaltiges Kulturerbe- Management

This insightful text delves into the intersection of digitalisation and sustainability within the realm of European Heritage. It explores how digital technologies are reshaping the preservation, accessibility, and management of cultural assets across Europe. The document highlights the increasing importance of digitalisation in addressing long-term archiving challenges and enhancing the overall sustainability of cultural heritage practices.

One key focus is the role of digital initiatives in engaging younger audiences and local communities with European heritage. It discusses the evolving needs and expectations of stakeholders in the cultural sector, emphasising the significance of digital innovation in attracting and retaining diverse visitors. The document also sheds light on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst for accelerating digital transformation in heritage institutions.

Moreover, the text outlines the findings and initial outcomes of the ReInHerit project, a European endeavour aimed at redefining the future of cultural heritage through sustainable digital models. It underscores the project’s efforts to provide technical support, foster collaboration among cultural institutions, and establish a common European data space for heritage preservation.

Overall, this document serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts interested in the evolving landscape of European heritage, offering insights into the challenges, opportunities, and advancements brought about by the digitisation of cultural assets. It underscores the importance of embracing digital technologies to ensure the preservation and promotion of Europe’s rich cultural legacy for future generations.

Digital Transition
IÖW, oekom Verlag
Jörn Harfst, Jasmin Sandriester, Chiara Zuanni, Sina Krottmaier
Sustainability, Digital Sustainability, Digitisation, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Institutions, European Heritage, cultural assets, Digital Innovation, Heritage Preservation, Cultural institutions
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