Digital transformation in the time of COVID-19 – sense-making workshops findings and outcomes

This report shares the results of workshops where cultural heritage experts shared their perspective, experience and expertise together to identify new paths through – and beyond – the COVID-19 crisis for digital cultural heritage. It presents findings and outcomes from a sense-making process that involved 64 participants from 22 countries over three weeks during the month of June 2020.

The process was part of an ongoing effort by the Europeana Foundation to investigate digital transformation and capacity building across the European cultural heritage sector. The report is designed to be read actively and comes with a reading guide to follow to help you work with colleagues to get the most out of it for your organisation.

Ten main themes describe the bulk of the perspectives and possibilities discussed by the participants in the workshops and surveys. These ten themes, which can be seen as important narratives in the digital GLAM sector at the moment, are: The possibility of change; a new perspective on digital; social impact and relevance; audiences and diversity; our core values and culture; overcoming the digital divides; the organisation of cultural heritage; a networked sector; individual growth and learning; space for innovation and experiments.

Digital Transition
Europeana Pro
Michael Peter Edson, Jasper Visser
Digital Transformation, Cultural Heritage, COVID-19, Capacity Building
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