Desafios e responsabilidades das humanidades digitais: preservar a memória, valorizar o patrimônio, promover e disseminar o conhecimento. O programa Memória para Todos

The article discusses the challenges and responsibilities of digital humanities, focusing on preserving memory, valuing heritage, and promoting knowledge dissemination. It emphasizes the importance of digital tools in scientific research and society, highlighting the unique role of digital humanities in these areas. The “Memória para Todos” program is mentioned as an example of a multidisciplinary initiative that utilizes digital tools to achieve its goals.

The article also touches on the issues of public policy inadequacies, societal attitudes, and the need for responsible science and innovation. It stresses the vital role of digital humanities in organizing and making digital information accessible, contributing to the FAIR condition of data. Additionally, it addresses the disconnect between younger researchers and digital humanities infrastructure, pointing out the potential hindrances to the field’s development.

The article concludes by discussing the importance of promoting access to science and culture, acknowledging the rapid changes in various societal aspects influenced by technology. It also raises concerns about potential constraints that could impede the progress of digital humanities.

Overall, the article underscores the significance of digital humanities in shaping research, knowledge sharing, and cultural preservation in the digital age, while highlighting the need for continued awareness, education, and support for the field’s advancement.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Maria Fernanda Rollo
Portugal, Portugal
Digital Storytelling, Memory, Digital Heritage, Citizen Participation, Communities, Cultural Heritage
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