Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 28/2020/M, de 28 de abril: Aprova a orgânica da Direção Regional da Cultura

This Regional Decree outlines the structure and functioning of the Regional Directorate of Culture (DRC) in Madeira, detailing its internal organisation and the services it provides. The DRC’s services are to be remunerated based on criteria and tables approved by government members responsible for finance and culture. The organisation follows a hierarchical structure with core units and flexible coordination areas, as specified in regional legislative decrees.

The DRC’s responsibilities include participating in defining the cultural policy of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, proposing legislative and regulatory measures for the cultural sector, and facilitating access to cultural assets for all citizens. It also supports cultural research, dissemination, and editorial activities, ensuring compliance with artistic performance regulations and applying penalties where necessary.

The legislation addresses the transition and assignment of personnel due to restructuring processes, specifying the allocation of intermediate management positions within the organisation. It also establishes the work duration regime for DRC employees, aligning with general public administration standards, with exceptions for specific roles like inspection of artistic performances.

Overall, the legislation aims to streamline the functioning of the DRC, enhance cultural policies, and ensure efficient management of cultural resources in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. It emphasises the importance of cultural access, decentralisation, and regulatory compliance within the cultural sector, outlining a framework for organisational structure, personnel management, and service provision within the DRC.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Organisational Structure, Regulation, Management, Regional, Culture
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