Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 7/2020/M, de 20 de Janeiro: Aprova a orgânica da Secretaria Regional de Turismo e Cultura

Regional Regulatory Decree nº 7/2020/M approves the structure of the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture, integrating it into the XIII Regional Government of Madeira. This integration aims to enhance the management of regional archives and public libraries, focusing on heritage valorization. The legislation creates and restructures services within the Secretariat to adapt to new responsibilities, including those previously under the Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government.

Furthermore, the legislation addresses the approval of organic statutes for newly created or restructured services within 45 days of the regulation’s enforcement. It also covers the allocation of personnel following the restructuring processes.

The legislation repeals previous regulations and specifies its effective date, which is the day after its publication. It emphasises the continuity of the organic statute of the restructured service until the integrator service’s organic statute comes into effect. References to the former Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture are to be considered as referring to the new Secretariat Regional of Tourism and Culture, aligning with legal frameworks and regulations.

Overall, the legislation establishes the framework for the reorganisation of the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture in Madeira, aiming to enhance its operational efficiency and adaptability to new responsibilities and challenges in the region.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Organisational Structure, Regulation, Tourism, Culture, Management, Regional
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