Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.o 20/2015/A: Regime Específico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Imóvel do Núcleo Antigo de Vila do Corvo

This Regional Regulatory Decree establishes a specific regime for the protection and valorization of the cultural heritage in the Old Town of Vila do Corvo. It aligns with the new legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage, emphasising the need for a tailored approach to safeguarding the cultural assets in the region. The document outlines general and specific intervention rules for properties within the designated area, ensuring that any modifications respect the historical and architectural significance of the buildings.

The legislation highlights the importance of preserving the characteristic appearance of the Old Town, requiring interventions to maintain the original features of the buildings and public spaces. It also addresses the licensing of advertising and informational materials, assigning responsibilities to the Corvo Municipal Council for oversight and compliance with established regulations. The decree includes provisions for ongoing processes initiated before its enactment and specifies the date of entry into force.

Furthermore, the document emphasises the utilisation of materials like painted wood or PVC, the preservation of exterior elements, and the avoidance of architectural dissonance in new constructions within the protected area. It also establishes a regulatory framework for penalties related to violations of the legislation and outlines the procedures for monitoring and enforcement in accordance with regional laws.

Overall, the Decree aims to ensure the sustainable preservation and valorisation of the cultural heritage in the Old Town of Vila do Corvo, reflecting a commitment to safeguarding the historical and architectural legacy of the region.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores
Protection, Regulation, Cultural Heritage, Regional, Intervention, Architectural Heritage
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