Decreto Ministeriale 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici” (Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2012, ‘Adoption of Guidelines for the Establishment and Enhancement of Archaeological Parks)

The Decreto Ministeriale del 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione delle linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici,” establishes comprehensive guidelines for the creation and enhancement of archaeological parks in Italy. This decree, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on August 2, 2012, aims to provide a structured approach to preserving and promoting Italy’s rich archaeological heritage.
The guidelines emphasise the importance of defining essential characteristics, objectives, and procedures for the development and management of archaeological parks. These elements are crucial for ensuring high-quality standards and protecting the cultural, landscape, and urban context of these sites. The decree highlights the need for an integrated protection system that considers existing constraints and legal requirements.
One of the key aspects of the guidelines is the identification of distinctive features necessary for an archaeological park. This includes the delineation of boundaries, the establishment of usage prescriptions, and the integration of cultural and environmental considerations. The guidelines also stress the significance of ongoing research, which is fundamental to underpinning any valorization project and ensuring its successful implementation.
Furthermore, the decree underscores the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders, including local authorities, cultural institutions, and the public. This collaborative approach aims to enhance the visibility and accessibility of archaeological parks, promoting their educational and tourism potential.
In summary, the Decreto Ministeriale del 18 aprile 2012 serves as a critical framework for the systematic development and promotion of archaeological parks in Italy. By setting clear standards and procedures, the decree ensures that these parks can effectively preserve and showcase Italy’s archaeological treasures while fostering sustainable cultural tourism.

Heritage Preservation
Ministero della Cultura
Archaeological Parks, Preservation strategy, Archaeological heritage, Cultural and Environmental integration approach, Scientific research, Education, Sustainable Tourism
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