Decreto-Lei n.º 140/2009, de 15 de junho: Regime jurídico dos estudos, projectos, relatórios, obras ou intervenções sobre bens culturais classificados, em vias de classificação, de interesse nacional, de interesse público ou de interesse municipal

This Decree-law establishes the legal framework for studies, projects, reports, works or interventions on cultural goods classified, or in the process of being classified, as being of national interest, of public interest or of municipal interest. It emphasises the necessity of a preliminary report to evaluate the proposed interventions’ impact and outlines the authorisation process.

The document stipulates that works or interventions carried out directly or indirectly by the competent cultural heritage administration are subject to the required reports. However, the highest-ranking official of the relevant service can waive the preliminary and interim reports through a substantiated order. Additionally, in cases of demolition, reconstruction, enlargement, alteration, or conservation of immovable cultural goods previously included in an intervention program approved by the Council of Ministers, there is no requirement for an interim report. The regulations also cover the dispensation of the interim report for subsequent alterations related to the aforementioned works.

Furthermore, the Decree-law addresses the need for a preliminary report, prepared by qualified professionals, and the subsequent monitoring of interventions by the competent cultural heritage administration, culminating in the submission of a final report. The document also emphasises the importance of collaboration between the administration of cultural heritage and educational institutions for training and practice in conservation and restoration. These regulations apply to both movable and immovable cultural heritage, irrespective of their conversion to new forms of protection and designation as per the law.

Heritage Preservation
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal
Cultural Heritage, Research, Intervention, Cultural Goods
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