Decreto-Lei n.º 132/2013, de 13 de setembro: Conselho Nacional de Cultura

This legislation establishes the constitution and functioning of the National Council for Culture and its specialised sections. The CNC is the government’s advisory body for the area of culture.

It replaces previous regulations and outlines the mission and competencies of the CNC, which include providing opinions and recommendations on issues relating to the realisation of cultural policy objectives, as well as proposing necessary measures for cultural development, at the request of the member of the Government responsible for the area of culture or the services and bodies in the area of culture.

The CNC is tasked with supporting the formulation and monitoring of government cultural policies, promoting cooperation between public administration and cultural personalities, and fostering collaboration within the cultural sector.

The Council includes a section specialised in architectural and archeological heritage and another specialised in museums, conservation and restoration, and intangible heritage.These sections of the council integrate representatives of the Ministry of Culture, universities, and various entities, such as the Network of Portuguese Museums, the Portuguese Museology Association, the Portuguese National Library and the Professional Association of Conservators and Restorers of Portugal.

As a result, this legislation allows for a dialogue between the government and institutions and for the valorisation of expert opinion, which contributes to the implementation of measures that respond to current challenges in a more effective way.

Heritage Preservation
Government of Portugal
Cultural Heritage, Policies, Cooperation
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