Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 3/2015/A: Regime Jurídico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Móvel e Imóvel

This Regional Legislative Decree from the Azores Autonomous Region establishes a legal framework for the protection and valorisation of movable and immovable cultural heritage. It replaces a previous decree from 2004, aiming to improve the inventory, classification, protection, and valorization of cultural assets based on past experiences. The legislation outlines guidelines for safeguarding classified properties, including maintaining original architectural features during renovations and prohibiting certain alterations.

The decree emphasises the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the Azores and unifying regional legislation to simplify the safeguarding process. It sets criteria for new constructions in heritage areas, focusing on harmonious integration with existing structures in terms of design elements. The regional government is tasked with approving interventions in classified properties and developing legislation to support heritage preservation efforts.

Specific provisions address the classification process, licensing procedures for works on heritage sites, and programs to incentivize the maintenance and valorisation of classified assets. The decree also mandates a review of the legislation within three years to ensure alignment with preservation principles and rules.

Overall, the Decree aims to enhance the protection and valorisation of cultural heritage in the Azores through comprehensive legal measures that promote the preservation of historical and architectural assets for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Legislative Assembly of the Azores Autonomous Region
Framework, Protection, Valorisation, Movable heritage, Immovable Cultural Heritage, Regional
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