Décret relatif aux langues régionales endogènes de la Communauté française

This legislative decree underscores the vital recognition and safeguarding of regional indigenous languages within the French Community of Belgium. It acknowledges the unique linguistic and cultural identity of individuals who fluently speak a regional indigenous language alongside French, the official language of the Community. It emphasises the intrinsic value of these indigenous languages as integral components of the Community’s cultural heritage.

Furthermore, the decree highlights the Community’s responsibility to actively preserve and promote these regional indigenous languages. It stresses the importance of supporting scientific research and encouraging the use of these languages as tools for communication and expression. By recognizing the languages as part of its cultural heritage, the Community commits to fostering their study and usage, thereby ensuring their continued relevance and vitality.

The Executive of the French Community is entrusted with the task of studying and proposing measures to protect and enhance these regional indigenous languages. Through collaboration with advisory bodies, the Executive aims to implement strategies that effectively preserve and promote the linguistic diversity and cultural richness encapsulated within these languages.

Ultimately, this decree serves as a cornerstone for the preservation and celebration of regional indigenous languages, reinforcing their significance within the broader context of heritage conservation and cultural identity.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cultural Identity, Identity, Cultural Heritage, Language, Language preservation, Language promotion, Linguistic diversity, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics, Community, Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage
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