Décret relatif aux biens culturels mobiliers et au patrimoine immatériel de la Communauté française

This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural heritage within the French Community. It outlines criteria for designating living cultural treasures and intangible heritage masterpieces, aiming to safeguard unique skills and knowledge at risk of disappearing. The document also addresses the allocation of subsidies to support events preserving cultural manifestations, emphasising the importance of recording these expressions for future generations.

Furthermore, the legislation specifies categories of cultural goods, including archaeological objects and elements from historical monuments, subject to preservation regulations. It highlights the significance of objects with over 100 years of age and the need to protect them from unauthorised exportation. Additionally, the document introduces financial thresholds to determine the coverage of cultural goods under the established regulations, ensuring their value is assessed accurately.

Moreover, the legislation establishes a Commission responsible for preparing UNESCO candidacy dossiers for exceptional cultural heritage elements within the French Community. This process aims to seek international recognition and protection for outstanding cultural assets. By setting clear guidelines and procedures, the legislation contributes to the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage, fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultural expressions and traditions present within the community.

In conclusion, this legislation plays a crucial role in preserving and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the French Community. By recognizing and safeguarding cultural treasures, promoting traditional expressions, and facilitating international recognition, the document contributes to the sustainable conservation and transmission of cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Designation, Cultural Heritage, cultural assets, Heritage Assets, Cultural events, Cultural Goods, Skills, Knowledge, Knowledge Dissemination, Heritage Protection, Protection, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, International representation, Heritage transmission, Traditions, Community
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