Décret relatif au soutien au cinéma et à la création audiovisuelle

This legislation provides comprehensive guidelines and criteria for the development and support of the audiovisual and cinema industry in Belgium, particularly focusing on the French-speaking region and the bilingual region of Brussels. It outlines specific requirements and procedures for obtaining financial aid and assistance for various aspects of audiovisual production, distribution, and promotion.

The document emphasises the importance of promoting Belgian audiovisual works and supporting the cultural heritage of the region. One key aspect covered in the legislation is the establishment of criteria for different types of audiovisual works, such as long feature films, documentaries, and digital distribution platforms. It details the necessary elements that must be included in applications for financial aid, including project descriptions, financial plans, and previous activity reports.

Additionally, the legislation highlights the significance of the cultural and artistic value of projects in relation to the community. It also addresses the responsibilities and obligations of organisers, distributors, and operators in the audiovisual sector towards the French-speaking community. It sets out clear expectations regarding the quality, impact, and reach of audiovisual projects, aiming to enhance the development and promotion of cultural works within the region.

By providing a structured framework and criteria for financial support, this legislation aims to foster the growth and sustainability of the audiovisual industry while preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Belgian culture.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
National identity, National culture, Cultural Heritage, Audiovisual, Cinema, Audiovisual Heritage, Cinematic heritage, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Regional, Regional promotion
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