Décret relatif à l’intégration d’oeuvres d’art dans les bâtiments publics

This legislation emphasises the integration of art into public buildings, impacting both public and private entities involved in construction projects. It mandates the inclusion of one or more artworks in buildings of lasting significance, with specific cost percentages allocated for art based on project cost ranges. The decree extends this requirement to private entities receiving subsidies from the community.

The legislation outlines a structured process for selecting artists responsible for creating the artworks, involving approval from the Art Integration Commission. This commission comprises architects, project delegates, artists, and cultural affairs officials, ensuring a collaborative approach to integrating art into architectural projects. Artworks can be created using construction materials and techniques, enhancing the aesthetic and cultural value of the built environment.

The decree also sets guidelines for determining artist fees and adjusting cost allocations in line with construction cost fluctuations. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the importance of preserving heritage sites by requiring approval from the Royal Commission for monuments and sites for projects involving classified buildings. It grants the Executive the authority to exempt certain buildings from the art integration requirement based on justified reasons.

By promoting the integration of art into public spaces, this legislation aims to enrich the cultural landscape, foster creativity, and enhance the overall aesthetic quality of architectural environments.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Artistic creations, Artworks, art works, Public spaces, Public Space, Public access, Accessibility, Cultural values, Cultural significance
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