Décret relatif à l’étude, à l’école, des dialectes de la Wallonie

This legislation promotes the study and preservation of Wallonia’s dialects within the educational system. It allows primary and secondary schools to incorporate Wallonia dialects into teaching practices, emphasising their value in enhancing French language learning. The decree highlights the importance of structured content delivery for effective integration of dialects in the curriculum.

In primary education, schools must seek authorization to allocate up to one hour per week for dialect-related activities. This requirement ensures a balanced approach to incorporating dialects while maintaining focus on core subjects. Additionally, the decree mandates that schools provide a well-organised curriculum for dialect instruction, emphasising the need for a structured educational approach.

For secondary education, the legislation encourages the teaching of dialects as part of complementary and extracurricular activities. This inclusion allows students to explore and appreciate the linguistic and cultural heritage of Wallonia beyond traditional classroom settings. By offering dialect studies in various educational contexts, the legislation aims to enrich students’ understanding of regional diversity and linguistic heritage.

Overall, this decree underscores the significance of preserving and promoting Wallonia’s linguistic heritage through educational initiatives. By integrating dialects into the curriculum, schools can foster a deeper connection to local culture and language, contributing to the preservation of Wallonia’s rich linguistic traditions for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Language, Language preservation, Linguistic diversity, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics, Dialect, Education, Education and Training, Heritage Diversity, Diversity, cultural diversity, Local, Local Heritage, Local identity
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