Décret relatif à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel

This legislation focuses on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage within the French-speaking region and Brussels-Capital bilingual area. It emphasises the importance of evaluating the short and long-term impacts of actions on heritage viability. Communities and individuals involved must demonstrate expertise in intangible cultural heritage and have links to heritage communities.

The document outlines criteria for recognition as emblematic heritage elements and the establishment of a safeguarding list. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the dynamic and living nature of intangible cultural heritage, emphasising the need for continuous respect and authenticity. It stresses the collaboration, dialogue, and consultation required for heritage preservation, ensuring the consent of involved communities. Access to cultural and natural spaces essential for heritage expression should only be restricted for specific administrative reasons.

The legislation also addresses the public communication of recognized heritage elements, aiming to inform and engage both the public and heritage communities. It underscores the need for transparent collaboration and the provision of support to heritage communities facing challenges. Additionally, the document outlines the responsibilities of the government in maintaining and publishing lists of recognized heritage elements, promoting transparency and accessibility in heritage preservation efforts.

In conclusion, this legislation sets a framework for the recognition, protection, and revitalization of intangible cultural heritage, emphasising community involvement, transparency, and respect for heritage authenticity. It aims to ensure the sustainable safeguarding and transmission of heritage practices, knowledge, and expressions for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Community, Community engagement, community involvement, Community Participation, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Intangible, Intangible Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Traditions, Collaboration, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Preservation, Knowledge, Knowledge Dissemination, Knowledge Transfer
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