Décret relatif à la réimpression d’œuvres littéraires d’auteurs belges d’expression française.

This legislation focuses on the preservation and promotion of French-language literary works by Belgian authors within the cultural heritage landscape. It mandates the annual reprinting of at least two significant works that are no longer in circulation, ensuring their continued accessibility to the public.

The document outlines a structured process involving a commission and the Council of the French Cultural Community to select and prioritise eight works for potential reprinting, emphasising the importance of maintaining and celebrating Belgian literary heritage. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the role of the Minister in determining the contractual terms for publishing these works, as well as in appointing the responsible publishers for their distribution.

By allocating specific budgetary resources to support the reprinting efforts, the legislation underscores the commitment to preserving and promoting the rich literary heritage of Belgian authors writing in French. This proactive approach not only safeguards the cultural legacy of these works but also contributes to the broader cultural identity and historical narrative of the region.

In essence, this legislation serves as a proactive measure to safeguard and celebrate the literary heritage of Belgian authors, ensuring that their works remain accessible and appreciated by current and future generations. By institutionalising a process for the annual reprinting of significant literary works, the legislation contributes to the ongoing cultural enrichment and preservation of Belgian French-language literature, reinforcing its significance within the broader heritage landscape.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Language, French language, Language preservation, Literature, Accessibility, Public access, Linguistic heritage, Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Local artists, Cultural Legacy
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