Décret relatif à la dépolitisation des structures des organismes culturels

This legislation focuses on the depoliticization of cultural organisations, aiming to safeguard the integrity and independence of entities involved in preserving heritage. It sets forth requirements for non-profit organisations receiving subsidies related to protected ideological and philosophical matters.

Specifically, it mandates that boards of such organisations must not have more than half of their members holding specific political positions, ensuring a balanced and neutral governance structure. Moreover, the legislation outlines exceptions for organisations receiving subsidies below a certain threshold, allowing for flexibility based on funding levels. By imposing these restrictions, the decree seeks to promote transparency, accountability, and non-partisanship within the cultural sector.

It emphasises the importance of maintaining a clear separation between political influences and the management of heritage-related activities. Furthermore, the decree specifies that these regulations will come into effect during the next statutory renewal of administration boards, providing a timeline for compliance. This proactive approach underscores the government’s commitment to upholding the principles of good governance and ethical conduct in cultural organisations.

Overall, the legislation serves as a crucial framework for ensuring the preservation and promotion of heritage without undue political interference, fostering a conducive environment for the sustainable management of cultural assets.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
cultural assets, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, depoliticisation, NGO, Cultural institutions
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