Décret portant statuts de l’Académie royale de Langue et de Littérature françaises

This legislation establishes the statutes of an institution dedicated to the study, practice, and promotion of French language and literature. It outlines the Academy’s role in providing opinions, initiating activities, and representing the French community internationally.

The Academy supports and rewards works related to its missions, organises contests, and publishes notable literary works. Membership includes both local and foreign members, with elections conducted by secret ballot. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the Academy’s financial resources, budget, and accounts, overseen by an Administrative Commission. This Commission represents the Academy in financial matters and manages its properties and assets.

The document emphasises the importance of the Academy’s role in preserving and promoting French language and literature, highlighting its contributions to cultural heritage. By fostering research, rewarding literary works, and engaging in international representation, the Academy plays a vital role in safeguarding and promoting the rich heritage of French language and literature. Through its activities and initiatives, the Academy contributes to the preservation and advancement of French literary heritage, ensuring its continued relevance and appreciation in the contemporary world.

In conclusion, this legislation not only establishes the framework for the functioning of the Academy but also underscores its significance in the cultural landscape. This document serves as a cornerstone for the Academy’s mission to uphold and celebrate the legacy of French language and literature, making a lasting impact on the heritage sector.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Language, Language preservation, Language promotion, French language, Promoting cultural heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Literature, Cultural Heritage, International representation
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