Décret portant protection du patrimoine culturel mobilier (Decree on the protection of movable cultural heritage)

This legislation focuses on the protection of movable cultural heritage within the French Community, aiming to safeguard valuable cultural assets from unauthorised movement, alteration, or destruction. It defines and classifies movable cultural property, emphasising items of exceptional artistic, historical, or scientific significance.

The decree establishes a framework for the government to classify and protect these treasures, ensuring their preservation for future generations. One key aspect of the legislation is the creation of an inventory of classified treasures and culturally significant items, enabling effective monitoring and conservation efforts. It outlines measures for the public dissemination of information about protected cultural assets, promoting cultural awareness and legal certainty in art transactions.

Additionally, the document addresses the provision of subsidies for heritage conservation projects, highlighting the government’s commitment to supporting initiatives that preserve the cultural heritage of the French Community. Furthermore, the legislation regulates the circulation of movable cultural property, requiring authorization for exports and imposing penalties for unauthorised movements. It underscores the importance of combating illicit trafficking of cultural goods and emphasises the role of the government in overseeing and protecting these valuable assets.

By implementing these protective measures and promoting public engagement with cultural heritage, the legislation aims to ensure the long-term preservation and appreciation of the French Community’s rich cultural legacy.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Movable heritage, Cultural Legacy, Heritage Protection, Protection, Promoting cultural heritage, Heritage promotion, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, cultural assets, Heritage Assets, Cultural values, Heritage values, Cultural significance
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