Décret portant création d’un Conseil supérieur des musées

This legislation establishes a high-level council dedicated to advising on museum policies in the French-speaking region of Belgium. The Council’s primary role is to provide expert opinions on various aspects of museum management and educational services.

Composed of 25 members from diverse backgrounds, including representatives from the museum sector, education field, and cultural associations, the Council operates under the guidance of a president and vice-president elected from within its ranks. Members serve four-year terms and convene at least twice a year to discuss and address key issues related to museum governance and educational initiatives.

One significant aspect of this legislation is the emphasis on ensuring balanced representation within the Council, with specific criteria for appointing members from different sectors. The document outlines a structured process for selecting council members, including nominations from political groups, government officials, and professional associations. Additionally, the Council’s permanent committee plays a crucial role in facilitating meetings and preparing reports for the broader community.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the Council’s responsibility to submit annual reports to the relevant authorities, ensuring transparency and accountability in its advisory role. By fostering dialogue between stakeholders in the heritage sector, this legislation seeks to enhance the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage within the French-speaking region of Belgium. This framework aims to promote collaboration and informed decision-making in shaping museum policies and educational programs.

Overall, the establishment of this Council signifies a commitment to advancing museum practices and educational initiatives to safeguard and celebrate the region’s rich cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Museum, Museums, Management, Management of museums, Education, Education and Training, Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Intercultural dialogue, Collaboration
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