Décret modifiant le décret du 28 mars 2019 sur la nouvelle gouvernance culturelle

This legislation introduces significant changes to the governance of cultural heritage, impacting various aspects of heritage management and preservation. The decree focuses on enhancing the efficiency and transparency of cultural governance practices, aiming to align with modern standards and principles. It addresses key definitions within the cultural sector, clarifying roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in heritage activities.

One of the main themes of the legislation is the redefinition of terms related to cultural participation and infrastructure utilisation. By introducing new definitions for “Usager” and “Utilisateur,” the decree aims to provide a clearer understanding of the roles of individuals and organisations in cultural activities. This redefinition reflects a more inclusive approach to cultural engagement and resource sharing within the heritage sector.

Furthermore, the legislation emphasises the importance of diversity and representation in cultural decision-making bodies. It mandates a diverse representation of cultural expressions within advisory committees, focusing on the variety of cultural forms rather than individual identities. This requirement aims to promote inclusivity and a broader perspective in shaping cultural policies and practices.

Additionally, the decree includes provisions for transitional arrangements, ensuring a smooth transition to the new governance framework. It outlines specific guidelines for the continuity of operations and the delegation of tasks during the implementation phase. These transitional measures aim to minimise disruptions and facilitate the adaptation process for heritage organisations and stakeholders.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cultural Heritage, Cultural Participation, Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Management, Heritage Management, Cultural Activity, cultural diversity, Diversity, Climate Policy, Policies, Policy
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