Décret modifiant le décret du 10 novembre 2011 relatif au soutien au cinéma et à la création audiovisuelle

This legislation introduces significant changes to the support framework for cinema and audiovisual creation within the French Community. The amendments focus on enhancing the criteria for granting aid, particularly in the development of films and documentaries. These modifications aim to align the support provided with cultural, artistic, and technical standards set by the government.

Additionally, the decree outlines specific guidelines for the allocation of aid towards training programs, emphasising the importance of quality training materials and instructors. One key aspect of the legislation is the transitional provisions, allowing previously supported audiovisual works to benefit from production aid under the previous regulations. This provision ensures continuity and support for ongoing projects while implementing the new guidelines.

The decree also emphasises the importance of professional development in the audiovisual sector, highlighting the need for targeted training programs to enhance skills and promote innovation within the industry. By refining the criteria for aid allocation and emphasising the value of training and development, the legislation aims to elevate the quality and diversity of audiovisual productions.

Overall, this legislation seeks to streamline and optimise the support mechanisms for cinema and audiovisual creation, fostering a more robust and dynamic cultural landscape within the French Community. Professionals and enthusiasts in the heritage field will find this legislation instrumental in shaping the future of cinema and audiovisual heritage within the French Community.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
International representation, Cooperation, Audiovisual, Cinema, Cultural significance, Financial help, Financial Instruments, Fund, Public access, Accessibility
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