Décret instituant un Conseil supérieur des arts et traditions populaires et du folklore

This legislation establishes a Council dedicated to preserving and promoting the arts, traditions, and folklore within the community. The Council plays a crucial role in recognizing and supporting authentic cultural manifestations that are deeply rooted in the heritage of the community. It provides valuable insights and recommendations to the Executive regarding the study and promotion of high-quality cultural events and folk groups.

One of the key functions of the Council is to evaluate and grant recognition to cultural manifestations and folk groups that reflect the rich traditions of the community. Through a rigorous process, the Council ensures that only the most genuine and significant cultural expressions receive official acknowledgment and support. This recognition not only highlights the cultural value of these manifestations but also helps in their preservation and promotion for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Furthermore, the legislation outlines the composition and responsibilities of the Council, emphasising the importance of diverse expertise in the fields of arts, traditions, and folklore. The Council members are appointed based on their specific competencies, ensuring a comprehensive and knowledgeable approach to evaluating and recognizing cultural heritage. Additionally, the Executive is tasked with safeguarding the designations of recognized cultural events and groups, further protecting and promoting the authenticity of these cultural treasures.

Overall, this legislation has a significant impact on heritage preservation and promotion by institutionalising a framework for the recognition and support of cultural manifestations and folk groups. It underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage and traditions, ensuring their continued relevance and vitality within the community. Through the Council’s efforts, authentic cultural expressions are celebrated, safeguarded, and passed onto future generations, enriching the cultural landscape and fostering a deeper appreciation for heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Traditions, Art, Arts, folklore, Cultural events, Local identity, Local Heritage, Community, local community, Heritage Community, Cultural Manifestation
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