Décret déterminant le jour de fête et les emblèmes propres à la Communauté française de Belgique

This legislation establishes the celebration and symbols of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, emphasising the cultural heritage and identity of the region. It designates September 27th as the official day to commemorate the Community, with specific guidelines for displaying the Community’s coat of arms and flag on public buildings.

The decree outlines the unique coat of arms, featuring a bold red rooster on a gold background, symbolising courage and pride. Furthermore, the legislation details the official seal of the Community, incorporating the iconic rooster emblem and the inscription “COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE DE BELGIQUE.” This seal is to be used in official capacities to represent the Community’s authority and heritage.

The flag of the Community, depicted as a yellow flag with a red rooster, is described with specific proportions and guidelines for display, reinforcing the visual representation of the Community’s cultural significance. Moreover, the decree repeals previous regulations related to the flag and celebration of the French Cultural Community, streamlining the official symbols and observances associated with the Community of French-speaking Belgium. It also grants high authorities and officials the privilege of using a distinctive honorary mark in their official duties, further promoting and preserving the heritage and identity of the Community.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in safeguarding and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, ensuring its recognition and celebration for generations to come.

Heritage Preservation
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Community, Local Heritage, Local identity, local community, coat of arms, Flags, Symbols, commemoration, Memory, Cultural Identity, Cultural Heritage, Celebration, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Regional promotion
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