Decentralising Heritage: How community involvement can reshape Europe’s approach to heritage management

Discover the transformative potential of a community-driven approach to heritage preservation in Europe. This article delves into the innovative model exemplified by the Skye Ecomuseum in Staffin, Scotland. The museum, managed by the Staffin Community Trust, embodies a shift towards inclusive and collaborative heritage management. By prioritising the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, the community-driven approach aims to address common challenges such as over-tourism and community displacement.

The article highlights the dynamic nature of heritage as an asset, emphasising its potential to benefit local communities and vice versa. It underscores the significance of community involvement in actively deciding the importance of preserving natural or cultural sites, practices, and celebrations. Through a decentralised approach, the Ecomuseum showcases how the landscape itself, along with its exhibits, narrates the region’s rich heritage, fostering a deeper understanding of local culture and traditions.

Furthermore, it explores the role of the Staffin Community Trust in spearheading the community-driven approach. By securing funding and managing the Ecomuseum project, the Trust has contributed to safeguarding the natural environment and enhancing the economic prospects of Staffin. It sheds light on the Skye Ecomuseum as a pioneering example, inspiring a re-evaluation of traditional heritage management practices and advocating for a more inclusive and community-centric approach.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
European Heritage Tribune
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Community, Natural Environment, Over-tourism, Heritage Management, Inclusion, Ecomuseum
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