Da Salvaguarda à Valorização: Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público em 2021

The report presents the findings of the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities’ fourth inquiry into National Monuments of Portugal, with data for 2021. It aims to update the series of statistics on public use and access, visitors and human resources at visitable National Monuments in Portugal and to characterise the situation of National Monuments in relation to World Heritage. The questionnaire was updated with regard to the possibility of the National Monument receiving visits and also with regard to its non-cultural use.

The study revealed that the majority of National Monuments are open to the public permanently, with 19% opening sporadically and 3% seasonally. Two-thirds of National Monuments control visitor access. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on visitor numbers is evident, with some monuments experiencing a significant increase in visitors in 2021 compared to 2020, but still below pre-pandemic levels. There was an increase in the number of visitors to cultural heritage sites in 2021 compared to 2020, indicating a recovery from the previous year. The study also includes data on the educational background and roles of individuals working in National Monuments. In turn, it reports that there was a decrease in the number of people working in National Monuments in 2021 compared to 2020.

Furthermore, the study emphasises the need for improved digital resources, changes in the human resources structure, and training in digital skills for human resources. Additionally, it highlights the importance of research on integrated heritage, establishment of protocols for investigation, and participation in national, European, and global projects. Overall, the report provides valuable insights into the functioning of National Monuments and their interaction with visitors, particularly in the context of the post-pandemic period.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
José Soares Neves, Jorge Santos, Sofia Costa Macedo
Immovable Cultural Heritage, Museums, Protection, Valorisation, COVID-19, World Heritage, Accessibility
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