Da Salvaguarda à Valorização: Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público em 2020

The report presents the findings of the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities’ third inquiry into National Monuments of Portugal, conducted in 2021. Its primary objectives were to update the series of statistics for 2020 on public use and access, and gather new information on the impacts and activities carried out during the pandemic crisis between March 2020 and April 2021.

The report outlines the methodology used, visitor statistics, and activities carried out during the pandemic. It notes a decrease in visitors across all regions, with religious and military monuments being the most visited. Additionally, it highlights the reopening of monuments after the initial lockdown and the various activities undertaken during the pandemic, such as inventory, research, and digital initiatives. The adaptation of National Monuments to the crisis context is also discussed, focusing on opportunities, difficulties, and constraints.

The report emphasises the significant focus on the relationship between human resources and digital skills during the mandatory closures, which slowed down during the reopening phase. Furthermore, it addresses the improvements in digital resources and personnel capacity during the second lockdown. Despite limited responses in certain areas, the report provides valuable insights into the impact of the pandemic on National Monuments in Portugal and the strategies employed to navigate the challenges.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
José Soares Neves, Sofia Costa Macedo, Jorge Santos, Ana Paula Miranda
Immovable Cultural Heritage, Museums, COVID-19, Valorisation, Protection, Accessibility
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