Culture and creativity for the future of cities

This comprehensive report delves into the intricate relationship between culture, urban development, and sustainability in the European context. Focusing on the pivotal role of cities and local authorities, it highlights the promotion of inclusive and sustainable development through cultural cooperation. The European Commission’s strategic framework emphasizes cultural dimensions in external actions, particularly in collaboration with other nations. Advocacy for arts, architecture, and creative industries in sustainable urban development, especially in Africa, is a key focus. The report stresses integrating cultural, creative, and heritage elements into urban planning to enhance social and cultural benefits.

Simultaneously, the publication explores cultural entrepreneurship and circular business models for the adaptive reuse of built cultural heritage. It provides insights and strategies for leveraging cultural assets for sustainable development, emphasizing stakeholder involvement, private investments, and cooperation among various actors. Emphasizing the role of local authorities in protecting and managing cultural heritage, it advocates for integrating regeneration projects into urban planning. The report outlines a 9-step methodology for sustainable urban conservation, guiding readers through project development and presentation to stakeholders.

The report also introduces the concept of co-design in informed economic landscapes, where stakeholders collaborate on heritage asset reuse based on territorial needs and resources. It presents the Flourishing Business Canvas and a circular business model for cultural heritage adaptive reuse, providing a structured approach to sustainable development. Professionals and enthusiasts in European Heritage will find this publication a valuable resource for implementing innovative strategies in cultural entrepreneurship and heritage conservation, offering strategic pathways for leveraging cultural resources in Europe’s inclusive and sustainable urban development.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
European Commission, European Union
English, French
Cultural Heritage, Culture, Urbanisation, Social Development, Creativity, Creative City, Cultural cooperation
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