Cultural policies support the ecological transition

Explore the pivotal role of culture in driving sustainable development. This article delves into the intersection of cultural initiatives and environmental sustainability, shedding light on the imperative need for integrating cultural dimensions into overarching sustainability frameworks. By ratifying key conventions and aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, the EU underscores the significance of cultural policies in achieving a harmonious balance between heritage preservation and ecological responsibility.

The text brings examples of cities like Lille, adopting sustainable practices within their cultural sectors, demonstrated by initiatives such as eco-friendly exhibitions and innovative emission-reducing strategies. Through peer-to-peer exchanges facilitated by platforms like the Eurocities Culture Forum, cities across Europe are sharing best practices to propel sustainable cultural development forward. From Belfast’s urban forest transformation plans to Kraków’s green space revitalization, cities are championing eco-conscious approaches to cultural preservation.

Moreover, the document highlights the transformative potential of cultural interventions in inspiring societal change towards sustainability. By empowering individuals and cultural operators to make environmentally conscious choices, culture emerges as a catalyst for fostering a mindset shift towards a greener future. The focus remains on showcasing tangible examples of sustainable culture in action and fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange and innovation. Through these collective efforts, European cities are poised to lead the way in embedding sustainability at the core of cultural policies and practices.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Wilma Dragonetti, Julie Hervé
Cities, Green Transformation, Cultural Policy, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, SDG, European Commission report, UNESCO, environmental change, Agenda 21 for culture, ecological transition, Good Practice, Peer Learning, Capacity Building, Awareness, societal change, Collaboration
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